Saturday, August 16, 2008

Who Am I?

My task for today was to find out this: Who Am I?

To answer it I did what I always do first when I need an answer… Google has about 134,000,000 answers, while Wikipedia only had one which seemed to be about a film with Jackie Chan in. I’m pretty sure I’m not a film and I’m quite sure I’ve never had Jackie Chan in.

My next thought was that I could somehow correlate the answers from every magazine and Facebook quiz I have ever done and come up with an identity. So I did “Are you hard work or just high maintenance?” off the Cleo website, then “how vein are you?” and then “what type of drink are you?” and “which planeteer are you?” in Facebook. Apparently I’m “Linka, the moderately vein beer who is not quite high maintenance”. Not quite what I was hoping for.

Correlating quiz answers isn’t working for me – I’ve decided to choose my own answers. I figure labels are never going to be able to describe a person completely, and I figure that identity is never stable anyway.

Quote: “You cannot step into the same river twice. When I step into the river for the second time, neither I nor the river are the same.

Also: “People are like teabags. You never know how strong they are until you put them in hot water.”

As well: “Eagles may soar, but weasels never get sucked into jet engines”

The quote about stepping in the river shows that each new experience changes you a bit, and that you can’t un-experience or non-experience something. If our identity is the sum of our experiences, then it is always changing, adapting, shifting.

The quote about teabags shows that we probably don’t know ourselves and our identity completely anyway. Who can say how they would react for certain in an extreme situation, and who knows how that situation would change them.

The quote about eagles really just illustrates that sometimes it’s good not to fly.

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